Peter Lundahl Rasmussen
Head of Maritime Information
Copenhagen, Denmark
- +45 4436 6873
The BIMCO Liquid Cargo database is intended for use by for shore-side staff and to some extent for newcomers on board tankers and should only be used as a reference tool providing brief information regarding the approximately 310 commonly transported liquid cargoes including Carbon black feedstock.
Trade name/synonym names: CBFS; Steam cracked residue; Carbon black oil; Carbon black feed; Carbon black; Anthracene Oil Heavy
Carbon black feed stock varies in composition. Recommend obtaining cargo specifications and carriage instructions from shipper.
Carbon black feed stock is appearing as a brown-black liquid. Unpleasant coal tar odour. Flash point is often higher than 100 deg. C
Obtain correct handling and heating instructions at load port or from shipper. Plan cargo stowage to reduce number of tanks used and carefully plan unloading sequence.
After loading, ensure proper line clearing to prevent solidification of line system. Use the Oil Record Book Part II for loading, unloading and tank cleaning operation records. This cargo is an Annex I cargo. (No prewash required by MARPOL).
Carriage requirements:
Ship's heating capacity to be checked and confirmed before accepting cargo.
Tank cleaning - it is difficult to clean cargo tanks after this cargo. Consider carriage requirements to carriage of next cargo.
Carbon Black Feedstock is a mixture of C12 and higher components. Carbon black feedstock originates from the high temperature cracking of petroleum fractions and is used to produce Carbon Black, which is a colouring agent for tires and road paving's. In addition, Carbon Black is used for tire reinforcements, black pigments (e.g., for road markings) or conductors.
The BIMCO Liquid Cargo Database contains information on some 310 cargoes, all updated to the IBC Code 2021 amended requirements, but to ensure that the BIMCO Liquid Cargo Database information is kept updated, we highly welcome any feedback in the form of comments, response, information or data regarding a specific cargo.