icebreaker ship

Ice information for northern hemisphere now available for 2021/22 season (members only)

Published: 02 December 2021

BIMCO’s Ice Information for the northern hemisphere is now live for this season. Reports will be published weekly, or twice weekly if ice conditions become harsher.

BIMCO’s ice information for members provides a wide array of services ranging from general information on understanding ice navigation to advanced navigation guidance for the various ice regions in the world. You can subscribe to weekly reports – which in the event of harsher conditions will be sent twice a week if needed. Choose the Priority Alerts option on the subscriptions page.

Remember your ice clause

In addition to checking the background information and the actual reports covering the area in question, BIMCO also strongly recommend you to consider the contractual terms in detail.

Many, but certainly not all, standard charter parties contain ice clauses, but some are better than others and contract negotiators should always pay attention to this.

Not having a suitable ice clause can be a very costly decision if the vessel encounters ice during the charter. Without the protection that an ice clause offers, a vessel may be forced to proceed towards the contractual destination and the owners will be liable for any delays and damage to the vessel caused by the ice.

We urge you to look at the BIMCO Ice Clause for Time Charter Parties 2005  and the BIMCO Ice Clause for Voyage Charter Parties 2005 along with their explanatory notes.

You can also contact BIMCO Support and Advice on

And in collaboration with Witherbys, we have published an Ice Navigation and Seamanship handbook. BIMCO members can purchase it at a discount.

Ai Cheng Foo-Nielsen


Ai Cheng Foo-Nielsen

Manager, Maritime Information

Copenhagen, Denmark