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Restrictions & Sanctions

BIMCO advises members to check clauses as Asian gypsy moth season starts

Members need to be aware if calling ports in the following countries:

  • Russian Far East
  • China
  • Republic of Korea/Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
  • Japan
  • Vietnam

Please be aware the list only serves as a guidance, and therefore, confirmation or changes should be gathered from the port agent.<

AGM is subject to spread like a wildfire unless active efforts are made to contain the spread. If allowed, the AGM will spread to areas where it’s not indigenous and cause great damage to agriculture and forestry and associated commerce. Calling above mentioned ports in the high-risk season will make the vessel subject to inspection in other areas of the pacific region, notably:

  • Canada
  • USA
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Chile

If the vessel is found to be infested by AGM, authorities can order the vessel out of territorial waters thereby affecting the revenue of the vessel.


AGM is attracted to light, and as such the eggs will usually be found on parts of the vessel subject to lumination. The egg mass can easily be scraped off and destroyed using either alcohol, boiling water or incineration. After the eggs hatches, the larvae eats vegetation, primarily leaf, before entering the pupae stage for another 10-14 days. Finally, the moth stage will last 2-3 weeks, during which the only purpose is to mate and lay eggs. The male moth dies after mating, while the female dies after laying eggs.

Subject to the local climate, the final moth stage of AGM will be in the period from end May through September, according to the table below, supplied by the North American Plant Protection Organization:

Country Risk Area Specified Risk Period 
Russian Far East South of 60o North and west of 147o longitude (excluding those ports on the Kamchatka Peninsula) July 1 to September 30
China North of latitude of 31o 15' N June 1 to September 30
Republic of Korea In all areas June 1 to September 30
Japan – Northern In prefectures of Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima July 1 to September 30
Japan –Western In prefectures of Akita, Yamagata, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa June 25 to September 15
Japan – Eastern In prefectures of Fukui, Ibaraki, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie June 20 to August 20
Japan – Southern In prefectures of Wakayama, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi, Fukuoka, Oita, Saga, Nagasaki, Miyazaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima June 1 to August 10
Japan – Far Southern In prefecture of Okinawa May 25 to June 30


BIMCO encourages members to contact the organisation using for extended guidance on practical matters. For matters related to contracts and clauses please contact BIMCO Support and advise using

If calling a port listed above during the AGM high-risk period, make sure to get a certificate documenting that the vessel is free of AGM by using one of the listed approved certifiers supplied by the United States Department of Agriculture:

Region of port Certifiers
Far East Russian ports Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation
Republic of Korea International Plant Quarantine Accreditation Board (IPAB)
China China Certification and Inspection Group, Ltd

All Nippon Checkers Corporation (ANCC)

Hokkaido Bouekikunjyo Co., LTD (HBKC)

Hokuriku Port Service Co., Ltd. (HPS)

Intertek Testing Services (Australia) Pty Limited (Pty Ltd)

Japan Cargo Tally Corporation (JCTC)

Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Center Co., Ltd. (JEVIC)

Japan Grain Inspection Association (JGIA)

Kanto Fumigation Co., Ltd (KFCO)

Keiyochiku Plant Quarantine Association (KPQA)

Kobe Plant Quarantine Association (KOBEPQA)

Kyoritsu Sanitary Co., Ltd. (KRS)

Muroran & Tomakomai Plant Quarantine Association (MTPQA)

NAVREX & Corporation (NRX)

Nikkun Co., Ltd (NCL)

Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai (NKKK)

Okayama-Ken Plant Quarantine Association (OKYPQA)

Osaka Plant Quarantine Association (OPQA)

Osaka Timber Quarantine Association (OSKTQA)

Shin Nihon Kentei Kyokai (SNKK)

Techno Kasei Co., Ltd. (TKL)

Tokai Plant Quarantine Association (TOKAIPQA)

Tokyo Plant Quarantine Association (TPQA)

Yokohama Plant Protection Association (YPPA

Please be aware that conditions may vary depending on the countries involved, and most often, the vessel will need a certificate if it has called at a high risk country during high risk season within the previous 24 months.

BIMCO AGM clause for time charter parties

BIMCO encourages its members to take any necessary steps to prevent the spread of AGM and other hitchhiker pest. If applicable, amend your contracts with relevant clauses placing the basic obligations and responsibilities of the owners and charterers in respect of the AGM. Click here for the BIMCO AGM clause.


Crew Change - Shanghai issues notice

Further to our BIMCO news on "China opens up 10 ports for foreign crew change and implements a circuit- breaker mechanism", the authorities at Shanghai Port has issued measures regarding its implementation. Huatai Marine has kindly provided the information in their own circulars: in English translation as well as in Chinese

Members are to be guided accordingly. 

BIMCO is continuously monitoring COVID-19 restrictions and its impact on the shipping industry in particular on crew changes. Below are some of the type of information  currently being provided by BIMCO:

You can also view all information on our COVID-19 landing page

Measures on the Administration of Shipping Across the Taiwan Strait (China)

(Promulgated by Decree No.6 of the Ministry of Communications on 19 August 1996)


Article 1 For the purpose of facilitating the development of the shipping industry across the Taiwan Strait, maintaining a normal shipping order, and developing the cross-Strait economic and trade relations, these measures are formulated in accordance with the principle of "one China, direct two-way shipping, mutual benefit and mutual preference."

Article 2 These measures are applicable to direct cargo and passenger shipping between the ports of the Chinese mainland and those of the Taiwan region (hereinafter referred to as cross-Strait shipping).

Article 3 Cross-Strait shipping belongs to the range of domestic transportation under special administration.

Article 4 The Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Communications) is the competent authority in charge of the matters relating to cross-Strait shipping.

Article 5 If approved by the Ministry of Communications, the ships owned or operated by the shipping companies which have been registered in the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan region and possess the following qualifications may engage in cross-Strait shipping:

1. The solely-owned shipping companies of the Chinese mainland or the Taiwan region;

2. The equity joint ventures as formed by shipping companies from the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan region.

Article 6 In applying for engaging in cross-Strait shipping, the local shipping companies registered in the Chinese mainland shall submit the application to the competent departments of communications of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the companies are situated for examination and approval, and then to the Ministry of Communications for approval; the shipping companies subordinated to various departments of the State Council shall submit the application to the relevant competent departments for examination, and then to the Ministry of Communications for approval.

The shipping companies registered in the Taiwan region of China shall entrust their shipping agencies in the mainland with the responsibility of submitting the application, which shall be forwarded to the competent departments of communications of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the agencies are situated for examination and approval, and then to the Ministry of Communications for approval.

Article 7 A shipping company applying for engaging in cross-Strait shipping shall submit the following documents:

1. Application;

2. Data of ships;

3. A sample bill of lading;

4. Other documents as required by the Ministry of Communications.

Article 8 The Ministry of Communications shall decide on approval or disapproval within 45 days upon receipt of the application, and notify the applicant of its decision in the written form.

Article 9 The Ministry of Communications shall issue a License for Water Way Transportation across the Taiwan Strait and a Business License for Shipping across the Taiwan Strait to the approved cross-Strait shipping company and its ships.

The above-mentioned licenses shall be valid for 1 year.

Article 10 Without the approval of the Ministry of Communications, foreign shipping companies shall not be allowed to engage in direct two-way or transit cargo and passenger shipping across the Taiwan Strait.

Article 11 The ports and the shipping agencies of the mainland which provide services to cross-Strait shipping shall be approved and announced by the Ministry of communications.

Without approval, none of the ports and shipping agencies of the mainland shall be allowed to engage in the businesses relating to cross-Strait shipping.

Article 12 No port authority departments shall be permitted to go through the formalities concerning the entry into or exit from the ports for the ships engaging in cross-Strait shipping without approval of the Ministry of Communications, and the Ports shall not be allowed to load and unload cargo for these ships, and the shipping agencies shall be forbidden to conduct freight forwarding business for them.

Article 13 When a shipping company is, in violation of the stipulations of Articles 5 and 11, engaged n cross-Strait shipping without approval, the Ministry of Communications shall serve it a warning and confiscate its unlawful income.

Article 14 When an operator of port or a shipping agency in violation of Article 12, provides relevant services for the ships of the shipping companies without the business license for cross-Strait shipping, the Ministry of Communications shall serve it a warning and confiscate unlawful income; those which are in serious violation of these measures shall, apart from receiving the above-mentioned punishments, be disqualified from engaging in the businesses relating to cross-Strait shipping.

Article 15 These measures shall come into force as of August 20, 1996.

Source:  Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation

Trade restrictions (China)

Trading restrictions imposed against China

Trading restrictions imposed by China

The following is a brief summary of Chinese trade restrictions based on information made available from local sources.

For the purpose of this summary Taiwan, Province of China is referred to as region B, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region as region C and the remainder of China as region A

  • Vessels flying the flag of / registered in region A are permitted to call region B only if owners obtain a permit in advance from Region B authorities.
  • Vessels flying the flag of / registered in region B are permitted to call region A only if owners obtain a permit in advance from Region A authorities. 
  • Vessels flying the flag of / registered in region B are permitted to trade to region C. 
  • Vessels registered in region C which fly the People's Republic of China flag directly above the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flag are permitted to call region B provided such vessels only fly the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flag upon arrival. 
  • Owners / operators who are residents of region B are permitted to send vessels to Region A provided they are registered in another country. 

  • Officers / crew from region A are permitted to enter region B ports provided they are employed on non Chinese vessels. 

    Such officers / crew flying to Region B for joining ship or going ashore for repatriation must obtain a 'Taiwan Entry Visa' in advance, which requires 2-3 working days to obtain. As to going ashore for medical treatment, it requires 2-3 working hours to obtain a Taiwan Entry Visa.
  • Officers / crew from region B are permitted to enter region A ports provided they are employed on non Chinese vessels. 
  • So-called direct trade is permitted between 63 region A ports and 11 region B ports . However, this trade is limited to vessels flying flags of either region or vessels flying a third country flag but 100% owned by owners of either region. 

    • Non Chinese registered vessels are permit direct sailing between regions A and B if (i) vessel sails with transit cargo only (without loading any cargo from region A for discharging in region B or visa versa) or (ii) vessel is in ballast (without any cargo on board). Such vessels will be allowed by the Taiwan Port Authorities direct sailing between the regions, provided the ship's handling agents in both regions apply for a 'Direct Sailing Permit' in advance. If either agent fails to obtain the permit the vessel will not be allowed direct sailing. 

      The following documents are required by the Taiwan Port Authorities for granting 'Direct Sailing Permit' 
      • Cargo Manifests or Bs/L copies for all transit cargo (or copy of Cargo Fixture Note) 
      • Ship's Port Rotation (itinerary) Schedule 
      • Ship's Registry 
      • Charter Party (signed between ship owners and managements or operators or final charters, if chartered vessel) 

    In addition to the aforesaid required documents all vessels must be equipped with ASI System (Automatic Ship Identification System) 

    Non Chinese registered vessels without a 'Direct Sailing Permit' will have call from or sail to said ports via a neutral port such as Okinawa or Ishigaki, Japan or Korean ports, etc. just to obtain a port clearance. With regard to neutral ports, both region A and B have granted region C special status, with the port of Hong Kong being treated as a "neutral port". 

  • Liner vessels carrying containers / breakbulk cargo exported from region A to region B or vice versa can only be  carried by Region A or B flagged vessels and all such vessels must apply for permits in advance. After obtaining  permits vessels may directly sail between both regions without having to sail via a neutral port.

  • In region B South Korean flagged vessels are banned from loading / discharging cargo(es) which are coming from or destined to Japan, with the exception of non-liner vessels carrying bulk cargo/bulk shipments.


Restrictions & sanctions (China)


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