BIMCO Search Results

CO2TIME is taking shape

Drafting work to develop the new BIMCO time charter party for the transportation of carbon dioxide (CO2) continued


We expect that 2024 will end with demand growth of 5-6% but the coming years will display significantly weaker growth. In our base scenario, we forecast dry bulk demand to fall by 0.5-1.5% in 2025 and grow by 2-3% in 2026. In our alternative scenario, demand will grow by 0.5-1.5% in 2025 and 0-1% in... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Customised inhouse training

BIMCO delivers training programmes which are tailored to suit your objectives and requirements. The topics offered are based but not limited to our current course programmes or topics. BIMCO offers courses on a specific business area. Together with your company, we can design the programme to match ... Please follow the link to continue reading.