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The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 94 is held by BIMCO.


The CONGENBILL is a charter party bill of lading for shipments of general cargo under the GENCON charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 2016 is held by BIMCO.


The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 2007 is held by BIMCO.


GENCON is a standard voyage charter party. It is a general-purpose agreement for the services of a ship in exchange for freight and can be used in a variety of trades. The latest edition is GENCON 2022.

Explanatory notes

PART I  PART II Clause I - Preamble Clause 2 - Owners’ Responsibility Clause 3 - Deviation  Clause 4 - Payment of Freight Clause 5 - Loading/Discharging Clause 6 - Laytime  Clause 7 - Demurrage Clause 8 - Lien Clause  Clause 9 - Cancelling Clause Clause 1... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Explanatory notes

Explanatory Notes The following explanatory notes are intended to explain the drafting team’s thinking behind some of the key clauses. This document is intended as a living document and as BIMCO receives questions on some of the clauses, the notes will be expanded. Structure The contract is divided ... Please follow the link to continue reading.