BIMCO Search Results

Connect with BIMCO using our API

The BIMCO Data Exchange Platform is the API we have developed for application of commercially valuable information at external systems. The API taps information directly from BIMCO’s servers and the information is kept up to date by the subject matter experts – in-house as well as approved external ... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Wood pulp or Pulp wood - two different cargoes

BIMCO has received some enquiries relating to two cargoes:  wood pulp and pulp wood. Are they different, or the same? And are fixed CO2 fittings on ships required to carry these cargoes?


Access the 2024 BIMCO Holiday Calendar Supplement, providing essential information on India's charter party holidays for laytime calculation, available for both members and non-members, with additional services exclusively for BIMCO members.