BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

Introduction The Mission The Main Criteria PART I – BOX LAYOUT  Part II – Terms and Conditions  Section 1 - VESSEL  Clause 1 (Builder’s and Buyer’s Obligations)  Clause 2 (Description)  Clause 3 (Classification, Rules and Regulations)  Clause 4 (IMO Hazardo... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Average Bond Clause 2007

The BIMCO Average Bond Clause 2007 has been updated. The main change is in the final paragraph where the shorter limitation period previously applicable to adjustments arising under the York Antwerp Rules 2004 no longer applies. As a result, in all cases rights to claim under the clause have been br... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Bad bunker risk will rise in 2020: Bunker states must take action

Recent reports of a rise in fuel contamination cases have increased the industry’s concerns over quality and safety of blended fuels as 2020 approaches. And for a good reason. A spike in demand for new low sulphur blends from 1 January 2020 will greatly increase the risk of contamination. Lars Rober... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Ship conversions are typically "one off" projects, which conceptually rest somewhere on a spectrum between repair and newbuilding. Smaller conversions are typically closer to repairs, whereas larger conversions are closer to newbuildings. CONVERSIONCON has been designed for larger conversions but re... Please follow the link to continue reading.


In contrast to REPAIRCON which is the standard agreement for major ship repair works carried out at a contractors’ yard, MINREPCON is the recommended contract for minor works or maintenance. MINREPCON will typically be used for arrangements with a local plumber, electrician or carpenter to attend on... Please follow the link to continue reading.