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The cargo information and declaration form for International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code has been revised to align with SOLAS regulations, ensuring the inclusion of bulk density information required by reg XII/10.
Based on information provided by a BIMCO owner member, BIMCO updates the information on UN 3077 environmentally hazardous solid bulk cargoes and its relation with the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes ( IMSBC) Code.
Catch up on the key discussions from the second BIMCO Dry Bulk Cargo Network meeting, covering bulk cargo shipping names, material safety data sheets, and handling UN 3077 cargoes under the IMSBC Code, including HME declarations.
MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.
MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.
MEMBER CONTENT – login using the orange button at the top of the page to view.