BIMCO Search Results

Explanatory notes

Subclause (a) determines the governing law; the place of arbitration; the applicable arbitration legislation; and the seat of arbitration (where the arbitration takes place in a jurisdiction other than the agreed place of arbitration). It is an “exclusive” arbitration agreement. This is emphasised b... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The TANKWAYBILL 81 is a non-negotiable waybill that was developed to be used for shipments under tanker voyage charter parties.

BIMCO hires manager for Athens office

BIMCO has signed a contract with Elena Tassioula as manager of BIMCO’s new office in Athens, Greece. Elena will be engaging BIMCO’s current members in Athens and work to grow the membership in Greece.

BIMCO/IPTA Vegoil Tank Pre-wash Clause

BIMCO/IPTA Vegoil Tank Pre-wash Clause (a) If following discharge of the cargo the Vessel is required to pre-wash its cargo tanks prior to leaving the discharge port in order to comply with MARPOL 73/78 Annex II or any other national or local laws or regulations, the Charterers shall pay compensatio... Please follow the link to continue reading.