BIMCO Search Results

PPR 11 makes progress on significant environmental issues

BIMCO's submissions influenced progress at the 11th IMO Sub-committee on Pollution Prevention & Response (PPR 11), focusing on guidelines for in-water cleaning, plastic pellet loss reduction, and regulation of discharge water from exhaust gas cleaning systems.

BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO launch new fuel oil survey

The International Maritime Organisation’s 2020 global sulphur limit for marine fuel oil has been in force for more than a year. BIMCO, The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO are calling on Fleet Managers, Vessel Managers, Technical Superintendents, Masters and Chief E... Please follow the link to continue reading.

The new digital BIMCO Bulletin is out

The new BIMCO magazine the “Bulletin” is out. The February issue looks at the financial side of 2020, offers the latest market analysis from Chief Shipping Analyst, Peter Sand and talks to the UN about smuggling. Also, BIMCO’s Secretary General, Angus Frew, calls for naval support in the Gulf of Gui... Please follow the link to continue reading.