BIMCO Search Results

FuelEU Maritime - update on BIMCO Documentary Work

The dedicated subcommittee to examine the implications of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation, part of the EU's “Fit for 55”, has made significant progress drafting a clause for time charter parties as well as for SHIPMAN.


Background Emission Schemes are “cap and trade” schemes that cap the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by certain vessels covered by the system.  Over time, this cap is reduced as an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fue... Please follow the link to continue reading.


Emission trading systems (ETS) are “cap and trade” schemes that permit the emission of greenhouse gases in exchange for allowances. Over time the quantity of allowances available to industry are reduced as an incentive to reduce emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fuels... Please follow the link to continue reading.