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Emission Schemes are “cap and trade” schemes that cap the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by certain vessels covered by the system. Over time, this cap is reduced as an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fuels. In t... Please follow the link to continue reading.
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BIMCO is working to prepare clauses for CII and ETS
Subclause (a) determines the governing law; the place of arbitration; the applicable arbitration legislation; and the seat of arbitration (where the arbitration takes place in a jurisdiction other than the agreed place of arbitration). It is an “exclusive” arbitration agreement. This is emphasised b... Please follow the link to continue reading.
BIMCO’s approval body for contracts and clauses gathered on 23 February to discuss a highly topical agenda. Two contracts of affreightment and a contract for conversion work on ships were adopted. Split views on whether adopting the ETSA Clause was premature postponed the adoption of this clause.
Background Emission Schemes are “cap and trade” schemes that cap the total amount of greenhouse gases to be emitted by certain vessels covered by the system. Over time, this cap is reduced as an incentive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased efficiency and the use of alternative fu... Please follow the link to continue reading.
Subclause (a) determines the governing law; the place of arbitration; the applicable arbitration legislation; and the seat of arbitration (where the arbitration takes place in a jurisdiction other than the agreed place of arbitration). It is an “exclusive” arbitration agreement. This is emphasised b... Please follow the link to continue reading.