BIMCO will host a one-hour webinar on 27 January at 10:00 CET to introduce the new standard term sheet for bilateral ship financing transactions, codenamed SHIPTERM.
MINREPCON is a standard contract for minor afloat repairs at a commercial berth or anchorage. It is not meant to be an alternative to REPAIRCON, which is the recommended contract for contracting with ship repairers or major sub-contractors. MINREPCON is intended to be used by shipowners to conclude ...
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Clauses on accommodation and recreational facilities, catering, gangway and crane were considered, when the subcommittee developing a new charter party for Accommodation Support Vessels (ASVs) met on 10-11 September. Drafting work is taking place on the basis of SUPPLYTIME 2017, BIMCO’s time charter...
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Disagreements between owners and charterers over the cost of repairing damage to redelivered unmanned barges have prompted a review of BARGEHIRE 2008 to help reduce the risk of disputes.
In 1982, BIMCO published its first standard contract of affreightment for dry bulk cargoes and codenamed it VOLCOA. It is the forerunner to GENCOA, which was issued in 2004. A contract of affreightment is an agreement between an owner and a charterer for the carriage of a certain amount and type of ...
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