SUPPLYTIME industry consultation launched
The revision of BIMCO’s top-selling contract, SUPPLYTIME 2005, has now reached a stage where it is appropriate to consult with the wider industry about the changes made to the contract so far.
The revision of BIMCO’s top-selling contract, SUPPLYTIME 2005, has now reached a stage where it is appropriate to consult with the wider industry about the changes made to the contract so far.
BIMCO is revising the RECYCLECON contract to support the global shipping industry's shift towards sustainable practices and regulatory compliance.
BIMCO will begin work on two gas-related contracts in early 2019, an LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Bunker Purchase Contract and a LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) voyage charter party.
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A greater focus in the bunker industry on contract wording, risk assessment and “knowing your counterpart” has been a motivator for updating the BIMCO Terms bunker contract, due for release in November 2017.
BIMCO’s contract for security escort vessels, SEV-GUARDCON, was introduced back in January 2022. Maritime security company Ambrey shares its views on the contract and how it has saved time and effort in concluding agreements for escort services in West Africa