Supply vessel & offshore rig

Two new Special Task Annexes added to SUPPLYTIME library

Published: 14 July 2022

BIMCO has further expanded its library of Special Task Annexes for SUPPLYTIME 2017 with the addition of a new annexes for crane operations (surface and subsea) and accommodation of charterers’ personnel.

SUPPLYTIME is often used for a variety of offshore related tasks and operations that are not dealt with under the charter. The additional Annexes provide users with the contractual framework to help adapt SUPPLYTIME for broader use.

The Crane Operations Annex G is designed to be used for surface and subsea engineered lifts. It is limited to the use of “traditional” steel ropes and excludes the use of newer synthetic fibre ropes (pending the development of industry standards for synthetics). As a framework for crane operations, the Annex refers to IMCA guidelines while allowing the parties to insert additional industry guidance or company specific requirements.

The Accommodating Charterers’ Personnel Annex H is designed for offshore accommodation vessels and is an agreement for the number and type of cabins and facilities to be provided by the owners. It also deals with catering, cleaning, media and communications services and provides a rates table for the number of charterers’ personnel on board.

There is now a total of six annexes available through SmartCon: Helicopter and Helideck Operations; Extended Offshore Support; Crew Qualifications; Walk to Work; Crane Operations; and Accommodating Charterers Personnel. (see sample copies).

Work will begin shortly on a Dynamic Position Annex.
Grant Hunter


Grant Hunter

Director of Standards, Innovation and Research

London, United Kingdom