Note that this schedule is for wood pellets containing additives and/or binders. For wood pellets that do NOT contain any additives and/or binders, please see separate schedule "Wood pellets not containing any additives and/or binders".
Light blond to dark brown in colour, very hard, not easily squashed and are made of sawdust, planer shavings and other wood waste like bark coming out of the lumber manufacturing process. Typical specific density between 1,100 to 1,700 kg/m3. Bulk density: 600-750 kg/m3.
The raw material is fragmented, dried and then formed into pellets using appropriate additives and/or binders resulting in raw material being compressed to approximately one-third of its original volume.
Moisture content of finished wood pellets: 4 -8 %.
Uses: sea transport of wood pellets generally used for power production like district heating fuel, electrical power generation, fuel for small space heaters (e.g., stoves, fireplaces). Wood pellets used for animal bedding due to absorption characteristics have typically moisture content between 8-10%.