Vessel Traffic Separation

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Vessel Traffic Separation

Traffic Control System The Traffic Control System for the port of Montevideo was inaugurated in April 1975, and has since been extended to include all Uruguayan ports, rivers and coastal waters. The system is controlled by the Prefectura Nacional Naval (Coastguard), which imposes fines on vessels not complying with the rules of the Traffic Control System. Ship-agents are asked to request Masters navigating in Uruguayan waters to carry out the regulations given below. The object is to control all shipping movements in Uruguayan waters; to prevent collisions between vessels, grounding, damage to port installations, and to alert the rescue systems, by sea and air, for vessels in distress. It thus contributes to greater safety in navigation and facilitates movements in channels, ports (entrance, berthing, and departure). The Traffic Control System is located on the 11th, 12th, and 13th floors of the Custom House building in the port, at Lat. 34 deg. 54' 03" s, Long. 56 deg. 12' 44" W. The call sign is "COMOPRE" (Control Montevideo Prefectura), international call sign CWC 39. All vessels entering Uruguayan waters from the Atlantic or sailing for that ocean must maintain contact with the Control Centres in the different zones, as follows: a) La Paloma as from Long. 50 deg. 50' W to 54 deg. 15' W, limited by the azimuth 128 deg. of Chuy Lighthouse which is the demarcation line of Uruguayan and Brazilian coastal waters. b) Punta del Este as from Long 54 deg. 15' W to 55 deg. 30' W. c) Montevideo as from Long 55 deg. 30' W to 57 deg. 21' W, which is divided into two zones, viz: i) Zone "Alpha" of the River Plate, between the coast and long 55 deg. 30 W and 57 deg. 21' W, and on the South by the limit of the River Plate with Argentine waters. ii) Zone "Bravo" of the River Plate between the meridians of Punta Sayago and Punta Sayago and Punta Brava, the coast, and Lat. 35 deg. 01' S, and includes the roads, access channel, anteport, basins and Tanker (inflammable cargo) berths. In each zone the ship must be advise: position on entering and leaving the zone, flag, name, call sign, port of departure, destination, latitude, longitude, course, speed, maximum draught and ETA destination. Furthermore, it must report any accident, damage or fire on board, assistance rendered to any vessel in distress or difficulty, the sighting of any object hazardous to navigation that is not buoyed and any noticeable reduction in visibility. Radio Stations acting in conjunction with coastguard (PNN) Name: Atlantida Ident.: CWC43 Freq.: Ch.# 11 or 16 GMT: 0533 1303 1933 Position: 34 deg. 46' 48" S, 55 deg. 45' 26" W Phone: (0372) 2604 Name: Carmelo Radio Ident.: CW22 Freq.: Ch.# 11 or 16 GMT: 0303 1503 2133 Position: 34 deg. 00' 33" S, 58 deg. 17' 42" W Phone: 315 Name: Colonia Ident.: CW23, Control Colonia Prefectura Freq.: 2.721,5 KHz, Ch. # 11 or 16 GMT: 0330 1330 2100 Position: 34 deg. 18' 12" S, 57 deg. 57' 06" W - 34 deg. 28' 28" S, 57 deg. 57' 05" W Phone: (0522) 2020 2037 2109/ (0522) 2680 Name: Fray Bentos Radio Ident: Control Fray Bentos Prefec. CW25 Freq.: Ch. #11 or 16 GMT: 0933, 0933, 2...


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